Q. Who are you?
Short A. "Edgar"
Long A. I was born Cornelius Quisling III, and my twin brother and I were expected from a very young age to do great things. My brother Count went into public service, I went into business. My parents disowned me when I began to direct a company bent on world domination through the enslavement of the human race by addictions to evil office products such as brads, hole punches, and evil stickers, but I continued my work anyway. I became addicted to these evil products and did many things of which I am deeply embarrassed, but I realized the error of my ways when I met my true love, who was then going by the name of "Kathryn", but who now prefers her earlier pseudonym "Natasha". Her birth name, for the curious, was Jennifer Ferguson, but she is not the one running for congress in the state of Washington. "Natasha" and I overcame our addictions to evil office products, forswore them, got married, and are now working together full time.
Q. Why would I want to be ruled by you?
Short A. Because you don't want to take the time to rule yourself, do you?
Long A. Let me list the top 29 reasons:
- "Edgar" is a family man.
- "Edgar" is smarter than you.
- "Edgar" has your best interests at heart
- "Edgar" and "Natasha" are well-traveled in the world of aspiring world leaders and know how to avoid many of the pitfalls
- "Edgar" and "Natasha" will not require you to vote, but you can if you want to. It won't make a difference, though, since votes will not be counted.
- "Edgar" and "Natasha" will do the right thing regardless of what everyone says they should do
- "Edgar" and "Natasha" have a blog.
- "Edgar" is a cooler pseudonym than yours.
- "Edgar" is experienced in the business world.
- "Edgar" believes everything that you do, only better than you do.
- "Edgar" will eliminate brads.
- "Edgar" will eliminate hand-held hole punches.
- "Edgar" will eliminate evil stickers.
- "Edgar" is good at making lists
- "Edgar" has four PhD's, only two of which were from fake universities. How many of your favorite aspiring world leaders can make that claim?
- "Edgar" has a twin brother.
- "Edgar" is pinkiless, and it would be discrimination for you to not let him rule over you.
- "Edgar" has a proven track record, even if it is for an evil organization he now despises.
- "Edgar" won't tell you what you want to hear, unless you want to hear what he has to say.
- "Edgar" drives a fast car.
- "Edgar" does not ever exceed the speed limit by more than 10 km/h.
- "Edgar" is more awesome than you.
- "Edgar" expects nothing from you except to not oppose him.
- "Edgar" is an amateur painter.
- "Edgar" is blunt; he won't mince words.
- "Edgar" loves Spirograph.
- "Edgar" has so many reasons you should let him rule over you. Quantity is important, after all.
- "Edgar" has lived all over the world and knows how to rule it.
- "Edgar" is not part of the 1%. His corporate earnings were forfeited when he resigned from the Parent Corporation, and he now lives entirely off sales of his patented churros.
Q. Will you be responsive to the "will of the people"
Short A. No.
Long A. No. The "will of the people" is often wrong and can be swayed too easily by passing trends. A government based on Rule By "Edgar" will be infinitely more efficient than democracies and will align with my own views 100% of the time. No other form of government can make that sort of claim.
Q. What about other alternatives?
Short A. There are no other good alternatives. It's Rule By "Edgar" or chaos.
Long A. The few alternatives out there are not desirable. You could throw your support behind the evil organization that "Edgar" resigned from or one of its offshoots, or you could pin your hopes on that ridiculous GNU Public Dictatorship and its Board of Dictators, but you might as well be hoping that the US Congress will get its act together and improve the world.
Q. How do I help?
Short A. Tell everyone about me and my vision.
Long A. Tell everyone about me and my vision and my churros. The more churros I sell the more resources I will have at my disposal to combat evil and install myself as ruler of the world!
I hope that this FAQ has helped you get to know me better. Feel free to ask me any questions that might occur to you, and I will try to update you periodically on my progress. Here's to the future and Rule By "Edgar!"
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